niedziela, 1 stycznia 2012


In school our next subject was design for package of cookies. My design is for biscuit witch shapes of cat. Company: emita. Name of cookies: Hamiltony. I have those names form my head. Hamiltony from name Hamilton. And with help of google translator, I checked what emita means. It's Spanish word and mean: issue. Heh.. I see that slogans: "You have issue, you have emita" x'D

Done with CorelDRAW12.

poniedziałek, 26 grudnia 2011

niedziela, 25 grudnia 2011


I had no idea how exhausting may be making comics, until I tried to make one.
Those strips what I posted before were not that exhausting as pages, which I work with now.
I don't even know if I make it as pages. I have some silly conception for this, but when I think that for this I should made more than one pages... it's hopeless.
Here ya go, my hopeless and curves work:

This supposed to be frames of comics.
Damn hands and poses...
And yes.. It's "Tiger and Bunny" =D


For Tiger and Bunny C=
Made by me.

Stupid I know..
And second one:

You won't understand if you don't know what this series is about.